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Spirulina for Hair:
The Ways It Promotes Growth

In recent years you will certainly have heard of spirulina algae , without perhaps knowing exactly what it was and why it is considered so beneficial.
Spirulina, which in botany is called Arthrospira Platensis , is therefore a narrow, spiral-shaped microalgae , whose blue-green color is linked to the presence of chlorophyll.
It abounds in the lakes of tropical and subtropical areas, whose waters are warm and have a particularly alkaline pH: Chad, Mexico and India are the countries where spirulina algae is mostly obtained in nature.

Spirulina algae in history

Spirulina algae was well known in the past and it seems that the Romans used it as a food for subjugated African peoples. Even today in the state of Chad , the Kanembu population extracts algae from Lake Chad, located in the Sahel area, and then mixes it with cereals to prepare traditional local foods, including a kind of cake called Dihé . In the 1960s, the Belgian Jean Léonard, during an expedition to the African state, discovered the existence of this highly protein ingredient, while tasting the traditional local cuisine. Since then, spirulina algae has spread throughout the world, in the form of supplements but also as a culinary ingredient.

However, it was above all the Aztecs who were perhaps the first to consume dried spirulina: they called it "the food of the gods", they collected it from Lake Texcoco, they called it tecuitlatl and they used it not only as a food source, but also as a medicine against weakness and inflammations. It seems then that the messengers of the Aztec kings consumed a lot of it because the algae gave them so much energy that they were able to run longer and faster.
The uses that the Aztecs made of this algae are known thanks to the documents of Cortés, the famous Spanish conquistador who in the 16th century subjugated the pre-Columbian people. This document of great value can still be consulted today in the National Library of Florence.

The properties of spirulina

UNESCO and WHO have defined spirulina algae as one of the best foods in the world as it is complete from a nutritional point of view, without forgetting that it also has a very low environmental impact precisely because by carrying out chlorophyll photosynthesis it absorbs carbon dioxide, releasing oxygen into the 'atmosphere . Even the European Space Agency and NASA have put forward the proposal to cultivate spirulina algae during longer space missions, as this small algae is capable of satisfying every nutritional need of the organism.
Spirulina is in fact rich in vitamins A, D, E and those of group B , in particular B1 (Thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin), B3 (Nicotinamide), B6 ​​(Pyridoxine), B9 (Folic Acid), B5 (Pantothenic Acid ).
It then contains chlorophyll , carbohydrates , tocopherol , ascorbic acid , gamma linoleic acid , essential fatty acids (especially Omega 3 and Omega 6), proteins and all the amino acids necessary for the body to synthesize essential nutrients.

In the spirulina algae we then find beta-carotene (in quantities 25 times higher than those contained in carrots) and mineral salts , in particular magnesium, potassium, zinc , calcium and iron.

In light of its nutritional richness, one can well understand how good spirulina is for health: it has anti-inflammatory , detoxifying , toning , energizing and purifying properties .
It strengthens the immune system especially during periods in which the immune defenses are under stress (for example during common seasonal illnesses). Given the quantity of vitamins and mineral salts it contains, spirulina algae acts as a real natural supplement that provides the body with the energy needed to face the day: it is particularly perfect for athletes, especially those who compete at a competitive level . Representing a high protein food, it is perfect as a replacement for meat in vegans and vegetarians.

Spirulina is recommended for anemic subjects by facilitating the absorption of iron and improving the functioning of the female hormonal system : in simple words, spirulina relieves menstrual pain and the exhaustion that results from it on those particular days.

Among the benefits of spirulina are also that of strengthening the nervous system by participating in the formation of the myelin sheaths of nerve cells and preventing cardiovascular diseases . It regulates bad cholesterol levels, reduces the risk of sclerosis of arteries and veins and counteracts blood stickiness and coagulation.

By using spirulina, you will also benefit your skin , which will appear brighter, toned and elastic: the antioxidants of this alga counteract the onset of free radicals and therefore cellular aging, not to mention that particularly acne-prone skin will also benefit given the healing properties of spirulina.

Spirulina: the benefits for hair that perhaps you didn't know

Among the countless benefits of spirulina there is also that of being good for your hair : you know perfectly well how showing off beautiful, healthy hair is an excellent business card and an element that can exert great charm on others. For this reason, time and money are wasted purchasing products that are highly advertised but actually have little effect on brittle and dry hair.
Spirulina algae, on the other hand, is a natural and effective product for the well-being of hair, making it robust , strong , soft , shiny and deeply nourished . It helps to reconstruct the entire structure of the hair thanks to the essential amino acids, which promote the synthesis of keratin , the supporting structure of the hair.
Then there is vitamin A which significantly improves the functioning of all the sebaceous glands and vitamins K and D which, together with the action of mineral salts, counteract the action of free radicals : this means that the aging process of the hair is hindered and you will notice a decrease in gray hair , the appearance of which is a consequence of the oxidation of the hair fibre.
Don't hesitate to try spirulina if you suffer from itching and dandruff , a blemish caused by the malassezia fungus which can affect the lives of those who are subject to it: thanks to the antioxidants you will be able to get enormous relief, after constant use over time.
If you have curly hair, thanks to spirulina algae you will be able to obtain well-defined curls , for soft and voluminous hair.

The best way to exploit the properties of spirulina is to buy it in powder form : you can add it to shampoo , conditioner , creams and all the products you use to care for your hair.
Prepare a
strengthening hair pack based on Becagli spirulina powder, with the addition of natural henna, ghassoul clay which absorbs impurities, a nourishing oil of your choice, honey and corn starch gel. Apply this pack to your hair and leave on for at least 20 minutes, covering your head with a towel or film and then you can wash your hair as you usually do.

Spirulina and hair loss

You may be wondering if spirulina is also an excellent remedy against hair loss : the answer is yes. Hair loss, baldness or even alopecia, is a phenomenon that can affect anyone at any age and the causes are different: heredity, hormonal changes and menopause, drastic diets, unbalanced diet lacking in fiber and vitamin A, use of aggressive cosmetics or simply the natural life cycle of the hair. In any case, if you notice copious and abnormal hair loss, it is not necessary to immediately resort to drastic treatments and transplants in expensive specialized centers.
In fact, spirulina contributes not only to rebuilding the hair thanks to the essential amino acids that stimulate the synthesis of keratin, but also stimulates the metabolism of the scalp: this means that, thanks to the B vitamins, more oxygen is supplied and the bulbs are strengthened hairs .
Mineral salts (in particular copper, zinc and iron) also make hair stronger and limit hair loss, helping to strengthen hair from roots to ends and stimulate healthier, faster regrowth .
The advantage of spirulina algae is that it exerts all its benefits on hair, regardless of whether hair loss is an occasional phenomenon or the result of real alopecia.

All products and how to use them

The Severino Becagli company is a leader in the field of collection and processing of spirulina algae: its products are absolutely GMO free, natural and free of pesticides and additives. Each production phase is carefully monitored in order to guarantee the absolute quality of the product put on the market.
On our site it is possible to purchase raw materials and food products that are all strictly organic and spirulina-based, such as craft beers, pasta, vegan mayonnaise, dark chocolate, apple and spirulina extract, honey and corn or rice snacks with peas and seaweed spirulina.
The Severino Becagli company offers a series of products from which you can choose to take spirulina according to your needs.

There are Sirucap capsules based on 500 mg dried spirulina powder, to be taken 6 times a day at any time of the day (maybe 3 at breakfast and another 3 before or after lunch). Athletes can also increase the dose but in this case they should proportionately drink more water throughout the day.

Spirulina Selection Limited is instead a pack made up of 7 sachets and 45 capsules, both of dried spirulina powder. Each sachet is 3 g , which is the suggested daily dose and you can also dissolve it in yogurt, smoothies or other culinary preparations.

Spiruday 30 is a pack of 30 stick sachets, each weighing 3 g, especially practical outside the home (the alternative with 7 sachets is Spiruday 7 ) and to be mixed in a juicer, a smoothie or a yoghurt.

Severino Becagli's Spirulina Powder 50 or 100g is perfect if you want to stock up and don't want to run out, also perfect for creating your own hair mask: dried spirulina is also available in sticks and flakes.

Fresh Spirulina, on the other hand, is a green pâté where the algae is still active from an enzymatic point of view and immediately bioavailable. Compared to dried seaweed it has a more delicate flavour, with notes of mushrooms and pumpkin. You can use 25 to 30 grams per day, but it has a very limited shelf life.

Finally, there is Phycocyanin , an extract of spirulina algae, which is a sort of fluorescent electric blue elixir, with a very high antioxidant and protein value. You can mix it with yogurt, soft cheeses or add it to a glass of water to obtain a detox and refreshing drink.

Chocolate with Spirulina in collaboration with Fondazione il Sole


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Spirulina biologica certificata

La Spirulina Severino Becagli è sinonimo di qualità. Rispetta tutti i più elevati standard dall’inizio del processo produttivo alla consegna del prodotto finale. La nostra Spirulina è certificata 100% Bio, Kosher e ha ottenuto l’attestato di certificazione FDA per la vendita negli USA.