Home / magazine / Chocolate with Spirulina in collaboration with Fondazione il Sole Chocolate with Spirulina

Chocolate with Spirulina in collaboration with Fondazione il Sole:

Spirulina Becagli, a leading company in the production and marketing of quality Italian organic spirulina, presented today Monday 23 January, at 2.30 pm, in the meeting room of the production plant in Via Aurelia Antica, 50 in Grosseto , a new product, a 60% extra dark chocolate bar with spirulina powder and vitamin B12 .

A unique product of its kind as it contains in 30 grams all the benefits of chocolate, spirulina (there are 3 grams inside, equivalent to the recommended daily dose) and vitamin B12. Furthermore, on the packaging of the product, which will currently be sold throughout Italy via the website www.spirulinabecagli.it and in the Tuscan territory in the Unicoop Firenze shopping centres, there is also space for important social communication: in fact it will also be the logo of Il Sole Grosseto Foundation , an association that has been committed for years in the Maremma area to guaranteeing the quality of life of people with mental, intellectual and physical disabilities who are not self-sufficient.

il sole grosseto foundation

“A first step for a collaboration that we hope will be long-lasting, Fondazione Il Sole does a lot for the Grosseto area and with this small gift on the packaging of our new chocolate, a one-of-a-kind product, we want to bring a bit of sunshine into all of Italy” comments the CEO of Spirulina Tommaso Becagli. “With this collaboration, what we declared a few months ago comes true, the desire to give greater support as the Becagli group to those associations, such as Fondazione Il Sole, which operate with commitment and dedication in the social field and towards those who have fewer opportunities.”

«Spirulina Becagli is a prestigious company that recently became part of the Luce del Sole companies, immediately offering an active and disinterested collaboration in the spirit of assuming corporate social responsibility with respect to this territory. ” comments Tiziana Tenuzzo, Fundraising Manager of the Il Sole Foundation “The choice of the Becagli family to include our logo in one of their consumer products honors us and motivates us to do our best to reciprocate the attention that has been shown to us. With the launch of the dark chocolate bar enriched with spirulina and vitamin B12, the company will make an additional donation to the commitment it already has with the Foundation, a concrete gesture of support for our activities for which we are truly grateful"

The dark chocolate bar with spirulina will be available for purchase in three formats (packs of 1, 2 or 3 bars) and will be available in the next few days on the website www.spirulinabecagli.it and soon also in NaturaSì sales points in Italy (over 200 sales points located throughout the peninsula) and in the Unicoop Firenze and Tirreno supermarkets where Spirulina Becagli is already present.

Severino Becagli and Unicoop Florence


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Spirulina biologica certificata

La Spirulina Severino Becagli è sinonimo di qualità. Rispetta tutti i più elevati standard dall’inizio del processo produttivo alla consegna del prodotto finale. La nostra Spirulina è certificata 100% Bio, Kosher e ha ottenuto l’attestato di certificazione FDA per la vendita negli USA.